Saturday, February 9, 2013


In this tutorial we will learn how to simulate gravity and make a ball look like it's bouncing around the screen!
Start by making a new sprite, I'll use a ball for this example.
From the variables menu...
...make a new variable for this sprite only called 'yVelocity', and...

...make a new variable for all sprites and call it 'gravity.'

Set the initial values of gravity and yVelocity like so, then in a forever loop change yVelocity by gravity and y of your sprite by yVelocity. What this means is that gravity will always be pulling our sprite down in the -y direction.

Add a "go to x (0) y (160)" block to the beginning of our scripts block to set the initial position of our sprite. Press the green flag to see what happens. Does the ball start at the top of the screen then fall down?
Next we'll try to get our sprite to bounce off the ground.

I've added a background to our stage, just a simple line representing the ground. In order to move on, we need to know what we want to represent as ground level for our sprite.
To do this, put the ball so that it is just barely touching your ground level.  Note the y position in the sprite details box? Mine says -112, so I'm going to use that as my ground level.
That's right, another variable! This one we'll make for this sprite only and call groundLevel.
We want to prevent our ball from going below ground level, so we put an if block  around the changes in y position. In this case we check to see if the yposition of gravityBall is > groundLevel. If it is, we can go ahead and change y! What happens when you press the green flag now? Mine starts at the top of the screen and falls until it touches the ground!
But we have a problem, don't we? My ball goes below the ground level, hmmm. Aha! It must be that it is moving too fast and goes past the ground level before it has a chance to adjust! Let's account for this in our scripts.

Before we move on, let's make a bounciness variable for all sprites
Let's set bounciness to be -.9 so that when we do some calculations later we can use this value. 
This looks like a lot of scripts! Oh no! Let's break it down a little.
We have an if block that we are using to check if we are touching the ground. We take care of this by checking the yPosition of gravityBall as being both lessThan or equal to our groundLevel variable.
If the ball is at or below groundLevel, we set it to be just above groundLevel (as if it had just touched the ground).
Then we set yVelocity to equal yVelocity * bounciness. Remember how bounciness was -.9? This means that yVelocity will be a negative (opposite) smaller fraction of itself. It will head in the other direction at a slower pace!
Let's do a quick recap. Your scripts so far should look like this (except where it says 'friction' here it should say 'bounciness', I got a little confused there for a second). What does your project do now when you press the green flag?
Awesome! We should now have a ball that bounces up and down, but eventually slows down and comes to a stop. If yours doesn't do this, review these previous steps before moving on to the next section.

Once you're ready to move on, let's incorporate some lateral bounciness (make it move left and right, too)!
First things first, what do we need? Another variable! The first variable we'll need is friction. Like bounciness, this will determine how much our movement changes over time. Friction applies to all sprites.
Let's start friction out at -.01 because it will always be acting on our xVelocity, unlike bounciness which only changes our yVelocity when it hits groundLevel.

We'll also need an xVelocity and we'll make it for this sprite only.
Let's add this line to our starting scripts setting the xVelocity to be a number between -10 and 10.
Next we'll check to see if it's moving at all left or right. Go to  the operators menu.
Grab the block that says [sqrt] (10). This is a block with lots of different math equations in it. The one listed there automatically is the square root. We are looking for the one that gives us the absolute value of a number, which is 'abs.' The absolute value of a number is how far away it is from zero, whether positive or negative, and will give us a positive number. Let's see how this is useful to us.
This is where abs comes in handy. We only want to change our x position if the xVelocity is not zero. If our velocity is zero it shouldn't be moving at all! So, we ask if the absolute value of xVelocity is greater than 0, if it is we can move on.
So, now that we've determined if we're still moving in an x direction, we need to know which direction that is. Since there are only two possibilities we will use an 'if else' block. For the if portion we check to see if we are moving left by asking if xVelocity is less than 0. If that is the case then we change our xVelocity by the absolute value of friction. If our xVelocity is not less than zero (so it would have to be greater than zero) we change our xVelocity by friction. Finally, after determining what our xVelocity should be, we change our x position by our xVelocity.
Let's go over some of the numbers above so we can have a better understanding of how this is supposed to work. First of all, let's say our xVelocity is 10. Since xVelocity is 10, we know that we are moving and will then check to see which direction. Since 10 is not less than 0, we go to the else portion of the if/else block. The script there says to change xVelocity (10) by friction (-.01) so our xVelocity becomes 9.99. Over time this adds up and our ball will eventually stop, having passed from 9.98, 9.97, 9.96,... .03, .02, .01, 0.
Can you guess what this last bunch of scripts does? If you've tried out your project already you might be wondering how it is supposed to bounce off the walls. Well, this is how! It looks like a lot, but we've already done something more involved with bouncing off groundLevel. I checked to see at what position my ball was at when it was barely touching the side and I got the number 212. This if statement is asking if the absolute value of my position is greater than 212 (it's asking if I'm touching either side). If I'm touching a side, I set my xVelocity to be the opposite of my current xVelocity by multiplying it by -1. 
This is what our scripts look like at the end of it all. That's a whole bunch!

Since we are changing our x position by xVelocity, this means that if we hit the left wall going -4, the next step will make xVelocity be 4 (a positive number) and move us 4 to the right.
I also added in this little bit of script to make it look like my ball was turning  over as it bounced around. Since xVelocity can be a negative number, it will sometimes turn "backwards" but look exactly as it should. Try it out with your sprite!
The last thing I did was make sure I could test out my variables without having to press the green flag over and over again. To do that I made this little block which is activated by pressing the 'space' key. It randomizes a few variables and keeps others constant as necessary for our work.
I hope you had fun doing this tutorial! I sure had fun making it. Now you can incorporate these scripts into your own projects, whether for your hero or just a bunch of bouncing balls. 

Check it out on the Scratch website.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Dancing Bear

Dancing Bear

Try to recreate what you see in this video:
The challenge is to create a Dancing Bear that responds to your key presses by moving his arms, legs, and ears.


There are two ways you can do something like this:
  1. One of the ways you have worked with before in your animations. 
  2. The other way uses fewer costumes and implements variables. 

Friday, January 18, 2013

Spinning Ball

In this tutorial, we will cover how to make a ball sprite appear as if it were spinning!

Start with a fresh project. Delete any sprite that may already be there by right-clicking on it and selecting delete from the menu which appears, or by clicking the scissors at the top of the screen and then clicking on the sprite that you want to get rid of.
Now we need to make a new sprite. Select the "Paint new sprite" option from just below the stage.
You should get a window that looks like this.

Let's select the "Ellipse tool". Ellipse is a fancy word for circle that can also look like an oval.

Let's make sure our options for the Ellipse look like this. We want an outline circle in black. The outline option is the second of the two at the top.
Now we bring our mouse over to the drawing area. Hold down the Shift key and click and drag your mouse to create a circle. If you don't hold down the shift key you can still make a pretty good circle. Your circle should look something like this.
Next we want to get the "Line tool" to draw some sections on our ball.

In the drawing area, click the edge of your ball and drag a line across to make it look something like this.

Next we want to fill in those areas with some colors to make it look pretty. Choose the "Fill tool" to fill in areas with a color.
Choose one color to start, it can be whatever you want except black because our lines are black. 
Click in one of the open areas to fill it in with your new color. Pick two different colors and fill in the other two areas. Your ball should look something like this. Nice!
If your project looks like this now after pressing "OK" on your sprite editing, then you're right where you need to be! If not, look back through the directions to see if there was something you missed.
Now we want to do something to make it look like our sprite is a spinning ball. From the middle top of the screen, select the "Costumes" tab. Something that looks like this should come up.
We are going to make our ball look like it's spinning by switching between three different costumes. To make a new costume, click the "Copy" button. Make two copies. When you are done, it should look like this.
Next we want to change the way our other costumes look. Leave the first one alone and select the picture called "costume2." Press the edit button next to "costume2."
Using the same colors you did for the first costume, move them over one area by filling in that area with the next color. Your "costume2" should now look something like this. Notice how it looks different from the first costume we made?
Do the same to "costume3" to make it look something like this. We should now have three different costumes in one sprite. Now let's make it look like it's moving!
Make sure you are in the "Scripts" tab and not the "Costumes" tab. From the Purple Looks Menu bring a "next costume" script into the scripting area.
From the Orange Control Menu, bring over a "when 'green flag' clicked" script header, a "forever" script and a "wait (1) secs" script.Combine them so they look like this. The "forever" script just below the "when 'green flag' clicked" script header, and the "next costume" and "wait (1) secs" scripts within the "forever" script.
I decided to change the time to .5 seconds so that my ball would spin faster.
Press the Green Flag button. Congratulations, your sprite now looks like it's spinning!

Smooth Key Press

If you remember our tutorial on Simple Key Movement and are ready for something a little more advanced, you've come to the right place! This key movement will result in smoother motion of your sprite and the ability to move in a diagonal line.

Start with a new project, I've named mine "smoothMovement".

This is what our original movement scripts looked like, but we got  sticky movement and  we could only move in one direction at a time. So, how do we make sure we have smooth movement and can move in the diagonal?
From the Orange Control Menu:
Take a "when 'green flag' clicked" script header and attach a "forever" script to it. What this means is that whenever the green flag is clicked, we will forever activate all the scripts inside the forever loop.
From the Light Blue Sensing Menu:Notice the "key [space] pressed?" pointed script? This kind of script can go anywhere that has an open spot for a pointed script. Pointed scripts ask questions and will activate when the condition is met or the question is true.
Grab an "if <>" script, place it inside the "forever" script. Place the "key [space] pressed?" inside the "if <>" script. Change the "key [space] pressed?" script to read "key [up arrow] pressed?"
As we did in the other tutorial, from the Blue Motion menu, bring a "point in direction (0)" script and a "move (10) steps" script into the "if <key [up arrow] pressed?>" script. When the green flag is clicked, these scripts will activate, once the condition (up arrow being pressed) is met.
Duplicate the "if <key [up arrow] pressed?>" block to account for the other keys and directions we want our sprite to move in. When you are finished it should look something like this. 
Once you are finished, save your project and glory in the ability to move a sprite around the screen smoothly!